Recipe of the Week!

Hot chilli sauce

Chilli’s have been growing like crazy in gardens recently, so why not use them all up in an easy chilli sauce which is a perfect condiment to any meal! (if you like chilli that is)


  • 250g red birdseye chillies, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 x 400g can diced tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup white wine vinegar


Step 1
Combine chilli, tomatoes, sugar and vinegar in a saucepan over high heat. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 7 minutes or until sauce thickens slightly. Remove from heat. Stand for 5 minutes.
Step 2
Process mixture, in batches, until smooth. Pour into hot sterilised jars. Secure lids. Refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.

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